Connecticut's Early Childhood Caucus had a special guest at Tuesday's forum, author and early childhood advocate, Dr. Dana Suskind, MD.
She spoke for some time to a great group of advocates and lawmakers, helping to drive home the point that parents and caregivers play a critical role in building the brain architecture of the babies in their care, and to do it well they need protection from toxic stress. Dr. Suskind advocates for public policies like paid family leave, paid sick days, and a living wage for early educators.
Thank you especially to State Representative Michelle Cook and The Connecticut Early Childhood Alliance for making this event possible. Thank you also to Rep. Kate Farrar, Sen. James Maroney, Rep. Rachel Khanna, Rep. Hector Arzeno, Rep. Robin Comey, Rep. Dominique Johnson, and Rep. Manny Sanchez for being there and for your support of Connecticut's Early Childhood System!
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